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Macam-macam Aktuator Pada Sistim Hidrolik

Aktuator hidrolik

Aktuator sistem hidrolik adalah komponen yang melakukan aksi atau meneruskan daya dari pompa untuk melakukan kerja. Secara umum actuator dapat dibedakan menjadi dua yaitu linier dan rotary actuators ;

Aktuator hydrolik dapat berupa silinder hydrolik, maupun motor hydrolik. Silinder hydrolik bergerak secara translasi sedangkan motor hydrolik bergerak secara rotasi.
Aktuator Hydrolik Seperti halnya pada sistim pneumatik, aktuator hydrolik dapat berupa silinder hydrolik, maupun motor hydrolik. Silinder Hydrolik bergerak secara translasi sedangkan motor hydrolik bergerak secara rotasi. Dilihat dari daya yang dihasilkan aktuator hydrolik memiliki tenaga yang lebih besar (dapat mencapai 400 bar atau 4x107 Pa), dibanding pneumatik.

Unit Penggerak (Actuator), berfungsi untuk mengubah tenaga fluida menjadi tenaga mekanik
Hidrolik actuator dapat dibedakan menjadi  dua macam yakni:
  • Penggerak lurus (linier Actuator) : silinder hidrolik
  • Penggerak putar : motor hidrolik, rotary actuator

Linear and Rotary Actuators
Motors offer excellent controllability and are therefore used as the drive sources of various automated equipment. In many cases a motor is combines with various mechanical components such as a ball screw, belt and pulley, and rack and pinion to convert the motor rotation to a different type of motion needed to drive the equipment. Oriental Motor has various linear and rotary actuators consisting of a motor assembled with the necessary mechanical components to meet the various needs of automated equipment.

Features of Linear and Rotary Actuators

Equipped with a motor offering excellent controllability, our linear and rotary actuators offer the following advantages over hydraulic and pneumatic actuators:
  • The actuator is very stable when operated, even at low speeds. It also offers smooth acceleration and deceleration operation.
  • Motions can be programmed with multiple stopping points.
  • With a linear and rotary actuator using a stepper motor, adjustment of position and speed can be performed easily using data. Setup change is also simple, as you need to do is change the data.

Advantages of Using Linear and Rotary Actuators

Automated Equipment
When automated equipment is designed, various factors must be taken into consideration including the production line layout, installation environment, ease of maintenance, configuration of electrical wiring and control system, and so on. This means many man-hours are needed to select the motor and other mechanical components and create a parts list, drawings, operating manuals and the like. Use of linear and rotary actuators can reduce this time and offers additional benefits.
Higher Design Efficiency
The primary feature of automated equipment is its ability to implement a series of basic operations such as "transfer", "push" and "rotate." In other words, you can design automated equipment by selecting and combining linear and rotary actuators capable of performing these basic operations. Since all you need is to select an actuator, you can save the time and effort.
Shorter Production Time and Higher Quality
When building equipment in-house by assembling a motor and mechanical components (see illustration), the quality of assembly affects the traveling resistance and position accuracy, therefore ultimately adjustments will be needed to achieve the expected operating performance. On the other hand, our linear and rotary actuators are complete products guaranteed to provide the specified operating performance, so use of linear and rotary actuators reduces adjustment work and ensures uniform quality.
Oriental Motor offers various linear and rotary actuators to help you improve your design productivity.

Motorized Linear Slides

The motor is integrated with a linear motion mechanism which makes this actuator ideal for transferring loads.

Motorized Cylinders

The motor is integrated with a linear motion mechanism, which makes this actuator ideal for pushing and pulling loads.

Compact Linear Actuators

A stepper motor is integrated with a ball screw. An ideal actuator for pushing and pulling small loads or fine-tuning applications.

Hollow Rotary Actuators

A motor is integrated with thrust bearings and a rotary table. Ideal for index-drive and high thrust load applications.

Hidrolik Motor

Hidrolik motor hidrolik enerjiyi dairesel harakete çeviren devre elemanıdır. Hidrolik pompanın ürettiği enerjiyi mekanik enerjiye çevirir. Yani Pompanın aksine, hidrolik enerji üretmek yerine, hidrolik enerjiyi kullanarak mekanik enerji üretir.

Hidrolik motorların avantajları ;

  • Motoru durdurmadan hız ayarı yapmak mümkündür.
  • İş makinaları dahil her yerde kullanılabilir.
  • Belirli değerler arasında hız ayarı sınırsızdır.
  • Çalışması devam ederken ters yöne çalıştırılabilir.
  • Büyük kuvvetler iletilebilir.
  • Aşırı yüklenmelerde valf yardımıyla durdurulabilir.
  • Sabit ve düzgün hızlar elde edilebilir.
Dezavantajları ;
  • Fiyatları pahalıdır.
  • Yüksek sıcaklığa duyarlıdır.
  • Kirliliğe karşı çok hassastır.
  • Ebatları göreceli büyüktür.

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